Monday, August 22, 2011

六人行の旅 ~马六甲篇~

考试完了,假期终于到了~ 这次我们六人就来一个两天一夜的马六甲之旅! 先声明,这次是我初次报道哦! 从KL到马六甲,搭巴士大概两个小时。这天的这辆巴士,一上车还觉得不错,到了半路竟然放那种伤感悲哀的马来情歌,晕~ 到了Melaka Sentral,要转搭另一辆巴士才能到达Mahkota。这回这辆巴士好古典哦! 在我十多年前还是三四岁时,在我家乡搭过后,到至今已经很久没有搭过了耶!

好了,抵达后就往我们的酒店了~ 不过还是不能check-in,因为还没到check-in时间嘛。那我们就先走走到文化街——Jonker Street找吃的咯~ 我的午餐是云吞面 + Ice Mango~ 老实说云吞面其实和KL的没什么分别,除了价钱以外。噢,忘了还有榴莲糕 xD 吃完了咱们就逛逛街噜~ 天气简直是骄阳似火,热到没法顶!
现在回去check-in咯~ 因为太热了,在酒店里小睡后再走 *这群家伙不懂是来玩还是来睡觉的... * 好! 午睡完了,开始走走吧! 这时大概五点左右,太阳更猛! 我们就来到红屋看看,然后走上坡,一直走一直走,到了A. Famosa 哟~ 真的是好高,站在这里都能望得到大海...哈哈

 *马六甲 红屋走廊*

*A. Famosa*
 *A. Famosa*

*好长好远的路哦 >"<*

走啊走啊走啊走~到了英雄广场。本来想买半夜场戏票的说~ 不过没有半夜场的票,结果白走一趟 >"< Hmmm...不过这里有间出名的蛋糕店哦~ 这间店出名的是自制的千层蛋糕,这里还蛮多人一下的哟 *觉得这里的服务有改进的空间...xP*

吃饱了又再走~ 这次呢...要去观光一艘超级大的葡萄牙船,后来才懂这名堂叫"Flor De La Mar"。夜色渐浓,开始走回去咯~ 这里看到迷你城堡,好有炮的唷...留一会就走了~ 因为刚好遇到星期日,Jonker Street 今天有夜市哦! 逛完了整个夜市,腿开始累了...哈哈 xD

*Flor De La Mar*


*唯一一张合照~ Credit to Sam*

 *马六甲 陈明水大钟楼 & 教堂*

雨滴开始落下,又是吃的时候了~ 这次我们去了有名的Capitul Satay哦! 幸好没怎么多人,等了十到十五分钟,就轮到我们了。这里有点像吃火锅,不同的是这里是一串一串的,然后放入沙爹酱里煮。又说有笑,可我吃得并不多,哈哈哈


晚了,我们就回酒店了。回到酒店就开电视,冲凉,玩牌。经典的是,玩牌的时候,紫晴她玩得...有点"激动"。后来Alex说 "好! 要激动一点是吗?那我就激动一点点!" *Alex抽牌...* 然后用娘腔说 "Errr ~ 讨厌~ 抽不到的~?" 全场爆笑!

第二天早上,我们就里到一间海南鸡饭店。马六甲有好多鸡饭团店,不过这家出名的哦,不然也不会打排长龙啦! 这里的鸡饭团好好吃哦,又香又糯~ 好了吃好了大家去买土产咯! 买买下,又去吃冰,哈哈...

 *海南鸡饭团 好吃!!*


 *临走前拍的 荷兰广场 & 喷泉* 

终于~ 回家时间到咯~ 在这里与马六甲画下句点吧 ^^

Saturday, August 13, 2011


今天早上起身,已经十一点多了, 房里房外也空无一人。刷牙洗脸冲凉上facebook...无聊呐~

下午一点左右,就约了朋友宏毅一起去Mcd温习,反正有免费冷气也顺便在那里吃午餐了嘛,哈哈...特别的是,还有一位朋友也一起来—— 紫晴 (原本名叫子群,不过紫晴比较好听所以自己一直都这样叫了 xD)。在这个黄金时间 (Mcd有特价),超多人的,连排队也要等好久...晕~ 后来呢,我们三个吃啦聊啦读书啦...到了大概四点,都累了,就回家咯...当时天空已经黑也起风了,怕如果再不回,到时下雨的话就不能回咯~ 哈哈

回了之后,不久果然是打雷大雨叻...这时我就看我的TVB连续剧, “紫禁惊雷”...轻松下嘛! 不久呢, 屋友们也回了。

到了六点左右~ 还有细细小雨...突然心血来潮...我!要!下!厨!!哈哈...看看材料,发现没有鸡蛋了,就去楼下杂货店买了一打鸡蛋。好~ 材料齐全, 下厨咯~ Hmmm...煮什么呢...?就煮“黄金炒面”吧!哈哈...切香肠,搅鸡蛋,煮面,再来炒面加香肠加香料,最后加鸡蛋~完成!黄金色的炒面~ 哈哈...还是准备三人份的呢 (不是之前在Mcd温习的朋友,是屋友哦)!不过,分了三份后才发现原来面不够呐...晕

没关系~ 吃不饱还有宵夜嘛,哈哈...再等到十一点,又去Mcd温习,呵呵...几勤劳下的嘛。今晚呢,也是阴气最重的时候~ 七月十五就在今晚十二点(正确来讲呢,应该是子时十一点~),哈哈...出门要小心咯~ xP

Monday, August 8, 2011


大考终于到了...我的心情仍然显得悠哉, 没有想温习的念头...整天看戏打电动...天啊, 快要变成懒虫了 xD

想着考完试之后的日子...Yeah~ 放假, 玩乐...好开心哦~ 哈哈哈...希望这次的旅游计划不要再泡汤了 >"<

不管怎么样, 总得考得好, 才能享受玩乐的日子!
好! 加油K书吧!! 朋友们也加油吧~

Saturday, May 28, 2011






Thursday, May 26, 2011


Song Title:
比较爱 by 梁静茹

别说了 再说我就要哭了
默默走回家 又静静关了灯
是否该提醒你 祝我生日更快乐

别点歌 别碰伤心的情歌
情人节的花 你送给了别人
到隔天清晨留言你爱我 多诚恳

只要能笑一笑 抱着你感到安慰
我真的 比较爱你一点

别点歌 别碰伤心的情歌
你生日那一夜 你留给了别人
到隔天清晨留言你爱我 多认真

只要能笑一笑 抱着你感到安慰
我真的 比较爱你一点
我知道 你比我更可怜

就算我笑一笑 得不到你的安慰
我情愿 比较爱你一点
恋人啊 都不准流泪

别说了 再说我就要哭了
默默走回家 又静静关了灯
电话那头你说 你是爱我的

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


前三个礼拜,就在开学的那一天...不知遇到了什么霉神,在大学扭伤了右脚。起初以为没什么...勉强还能走路。谁知过了一两个小时,发现脚踝那一部份开始肿了起来。走起路来,就好像被无数的针扎似的...又红又肿...真的好痛!! 既然不能走,没办法...那只能单脚跳着走了。什么药膏药酒啦,尽量又擦又揉的,就是希望赶快好起来...

现在呢,虽然不能说完全康复,不过至少走路不会那么痛了。但是,屋漏偏逢连夜雨,行船恰遇顶头风! 现在喉咙又痛又痒,昨夜失眠一整晚! 感觉好像要生病了...搞什么啊!!

赶快好起来啊! 下礼拜有考试,还有好多好多东西要搞定!! 我的幸运女神,你在哪里啊?! T.T

Living A Healthy Lifestyle: Benefits Of Fruit Juices

Apple Juice
Reduce risk of high blood pressure, cleanse gastrointestinal tract, enhance kidney function

Orange Juice
Enhance immune system, aids in ingestion and constipation

Grape Juice
Regulate heartbeat, energy booster, aids in digestion

Mango Juice
Aids in digestion, prevent seasick, nausea and sore throat

Pineapple Juice
Relieve sore throat, improve anti-inflammatory actions

Watermelon Juice
Reduce blood pressure, natural diuretic effect

Papaya Juice
Assist protein digestion, aids in digestion, prevent constipation 

Pear Juice
Reduce blood pressure, dissolve uric acid crystals

Honeydew Juice
Natural diuretic effect, reduce blood pressure

Blackberry Juice
Powerful antioxidants, aids in sore throat and diarrhea

Kiwi Juice
Rich in Vitamin C, treats anorexia and anemia

Peach Juice
Natural diuretic effect, aids in constipation, digestion and menopausal problems

Coconut Juice
Reduce risk of heart attack, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bleak Wesak Day

Its Wesak Day...but I'm just staying alone in the house...nothing else but facing the lappy...Back in Kuching, I think my family is going to watch the parade tonight for sure if the weather is nice...>"<


Happy Wesak Day!!!


Dad...Happy Birthday To You ♥  ^~^

Top 10 Most Poisonous Animals In The World

No. 10 - Puffer Fish

The skin and certain internal organs of many Tetraodontidae, which is the family that puffer fish belongs to, are highly toxic to human. However, the meat of some species is considered a delicacy in certain countries such as Japan and Korea.

No. 9 - Poison Dart Frog

Unlike most of the frog, this species are active during the day and exhibit bright-colored skin. Many of this species are critically endangered. The name "dart frog" came from the indigenous Amerindians' who use of their toxic secretion to poison the tips of blowdarts.

No. 8 - Inland Taipan

Inland Taipan has various colors which depend on different seasons, ranging from dark tan to olive-green.

No. 7 - Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian wandering spider are venomous spider that found in tropical South and Central America. These spiders had recorded as the world's most venomous spider which caused death after a single bite by these spiders.

No. 6 - Stonefish

Stonefishes are primarily marine animal, found in the coastal regions of Indo-Pacific oceans. This species is capable of secreting neurotoxins from their glands which is toxic to other marine animals and human as well.

No. 5 - Death Stalker Scorpion

Death-stalker scorpion are found in Israeli desert, which generally originate from the commercial captive trade of the animal.

No. 4 - Blue-Ringed Octopus

This species are found in the Pacific Ocean, from Japan to Australia. This octopus is able to produce deadly venom or neurotoxin that contain tetrodotoxin which causes paralysis and sometime respiratory arrest leading to cardiac arrest due to lack of oxygen.

No. 3 - Marbled Cone Snail

Marbled Cone snail appeared as beautiful animal but one drop of its venom can kill more than 20 humans! This snails are commonly found in warm salt water environment, and do not even think of picking it up!

No. 2 - King Cobra

King Cobra is the world's longest venomous snake and numerous in forested areas especially in Southeast Asia and parts of India. Venom are passed to its prey once through its biting.

No. 1 - Box Jellyfish

Box Jellyfish are found in Australia, Hawaii and other tropical area. Box Jellyfish are best known by their extremely venom which can kill not only its prey but also humans. However, some marine species are immune to its venom, which are the turtles that usually feed on the jellyfish.

Source: E-Amusing

Monday, May 16, 2011


最初的时候 你我亦不相识
然而 因缘的相遇 我俩结识成了朋友
小时候 一起玩乐、悲伤、无奈、天真的回忆

有时候 朋友的问候
有时候 朋友的肩膀
有时候 朋友的闲聊
有时候 朋友的唠叨
有时候 朋友的关怀

朋友 是一生难得的知己
朋友 是一生无价的财富

朋友...谢谢你 =] 



啊!! 烦啊!! 不晓得星期三有没有考试...问朋友也没人知,明天又是卫塞节放假...啊!!!! 搞不明啊!!! 这是什么世界啊!!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dragonica ~梦龙传~

An online game to introduce, which is Dragonica of the best online game I had ever played. When I was back in Kuching, my hometown...I always played this online game with my sisters. Every time my three sisters and I, forming a group of four characters with different classes went into dungeons in order to complete various missions. Four of us as a team went for missions, killing monster, up level and gain new skills...Awesome!! XD

Dragonica is a 3D side-scrolling massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Barunson Interactive. Each player control a single 3D character and performs combats in real-time. The game is based on on-going main mission...and of course there are numerous side-quests that are available and the rewards are bountiful too.

The classes are one of the unique features of Dragonica. The initial classes that available at the beginning of the game are warrior, thief, archer and magician. When a character progressed to level 20, 40 and 60, each class is further advanced into specialized class. Nevertheless, skills performed by each classes are unique and dazzling!!

Visit the official website if interest... 

Have fun...=)

I'm Lovin' It!

Oh yes!! Went to McD again with my house-mate right after the heavy rain had stopped around 8pm yesterday! The McD which is currently under renovation was not much crowded...maybe is because of the wet weather eh? =]   

Hehe...I had ordered large set of my favorite, Spicy Chicken McDeluxe and of course a chocolate Sundae XD
A blue Coca-cola can glass was what I get along with the meal...Nice =)

*The blue color is mine, while the charcoal and purple color are belongs to my house-mate, Ah Lai  XP

My Dream Dog

For a long time, I wished that I can have my dream dog...which is the Border Collie!!!

Border Collie is extremely energetic, athletic and can be said the most intelligent out of all dogs. Its black and white color combination of its fur is really really really that attract me...Owh~ Its so beautiful~ *陶醉中...*

Well, since Border Collie is originally came from seasonal country...I wonder can it survive in such tropical climate in Malaysia...Argh!!!

Enjoy this cute, adorable and gorgeous Border Collie!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hope Is Everywhere

Ever since last of my house-mate was completely fall into deep of despair when his academic result was announced. I know how he feel actually...just need one more mark then he can pass the paper, then everything will be change. Now, he need to re-sit a whole year paper...all the lectures need to be revise again...pity this medicine student XD

Although everyday now he still playing around and smile, yet he still has his own weakness just like everyone do...

Sometime, he said to me...
"Hey, I wanna commit suicide, don't miss me ya!"
I know that he was joking with me...but I hope that it is really a joke...

"Hey, if I jump from this window...will you scared?"
"Why should I scare? As long as you don't come back and find me..."
"Don't worry, I will!"
"Haha...then don't forget give me some numbers ya!"
"Sure! Remember burn spirit money to me..."

Well...I really wanna tell him that, put some more efforts, then everything will be fine. There is hope everywhere, just that you always miss it out...

Where there is a will, there is a way...don't lose your hope again! Good luck, my friend..

在梦中播下再多种子, 也得不到一丝丰收的喜讯;
在田野上哪怕只播下一粒种子, 也会有收获的希望。
Victor Hugo


Cherish every moments with our family...and friends...happiness is always be there with us...

Song Title:

我的双手, 能触碰这世界
我的双脚, 能让我往前追
我的眼睛, 看见了缤纷的色彩

我的朋友, 和我一起成长
我的家人, 苦乐都与我分享
我的老师, 指引我生命的方向
我有未来, 实现心中的梦想

我幸福~ 很幸福~
我幸福~ 很幸福~
有人生活清苦, 没有父母, 躲在角落里哭